This is a big subject to tackle, of course. Perhaps: The biggest? That said: skydiving is a religious and spiritual experience, across cultures and belief systems, and it deserves to be sung as such! First, let’s start with the words of William James:
“At the bottom, the whole concern of both morality and religion is with the manner of our acceptance of the universe. Do we accept it only in part and grudgingly, or heartily and altogether? Shall our protests against certain things in it be radical and unforgiving, or shall we think that, even with evil, there are ways of living that must lead to good? If we accept the whole, shall we do so as if stunned into submission… or shall we do so with enthusiastic assent?”
A lot of people in this world are searching for a way to transcend their troubles — to rise above the tricky everyday battles that separate us from our deepest, best selves. As James would no doubt agree, nothing sends up that “enthusiastic assent” to the universe and its Creator more than the act of a skydive. (Preach!)
Are you a worrier? Like: A really strong worrier? Can you out-worry most people? Can you hold a grudge like a champion? Well: We have a challenge for you, then. Here’s what it is.
Betcha can’t. And we bet that, when you land, your new perspective is going to make it very hard to worry about those problems with the same intensity, ever again.
The thing that all religious experiences have in common — no matter what type of religious experience they happen to be — is the revelation of an enormous potential within and without yourself that you weren’t previously aware of. Skydiving is absolutely no different.
When you land, you feel woke. You become acutely aware that the thing you’ve been missing in your life is, in fact, the simple act of truly living each precious day to the fullest. Making that skydive has changed something on an almost molecular level. You’re never going back to spiritual sleep; what you’ve seen cannot be unseen.
After your heart has been taken by the shoulders and shaken awake, fair warning: It’s going to be called to the witness stand and cross-examined. There’s a responsibility inherent in undergoing a spiritual call to arms. Here’s what it’s going to be asked:
Now that you’ve jumped out of a “perfectly good airplane,” what else seems impossible? You can do it now, you know. What horizons do you seek to conquer in this life? What would give your life even more meaning?
If there’s anything skydiving reliably does, it opens up your world and makes you consider the possibilities. Skydiving is so much more than a thrill ride. For many, it’s a life-changing experience — and it would be our honor to show you just how! Book today for a spiritual skydiving experience.
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