What to wear skydiving is one of the hottest topics for first-time skydivers. And without ever having gone before, it’s hard to know what to wear on a skydive that will both optimize the experience and fit in with current trends.
So is there a dress code for skydiving? Not exactly, but there are definitely outfits that are appropriate for flinging yourself out of an airplane and some that aren’t. Let’s talk about what clothes to wear skydiving, what to leave on the ground, and maybe even how to look cute when skydiving!
When figuring out what to wear, first-time skydiving patrons tend to think first about jeans – after all, they’re rugged, universal, and they look great. Jeans are OK for skydiving as long as they’re easy to move around in.
Your skydiving outfit should be comfy, well fitting, and allow for full range of movement. If you have jeans on the stiffer side, leggings or sweats are likely a better choice for your bottom half. A long sleeved shirt, a T-shirt, or fleece (depending on the weather) is the common go-to for the top.
If you could wear it to yoga or the gym, you’re likely good to go. Keep it simple, tailor it to the weather, and test out different movements while wearing it, and you’ll be ready for action when you get to the dropzone!
Shoes are always the toughest part of an outfit, so it stands to reason that knowing what shoes to wear for skydiving would be even harder. Good news: it’s super simple!
Athletic shoes like sneakers or tennis shoes are ideal for your jump. Something with a little tread, flat bottoms (no heel), laces, and a closed toe is exactly what you want on your feet when you’re flying through the air.
You’re going to be climbing around in an airplane, falling through the sky at 120 mph, and sliding in for a landing on grass – the shoes you choose should be able to comfortably handle all of that without causing a fuss.
Having a base idea of the quintessential skydiving outfit is great, but it’s also important to be flexible and consider weather conditions. As with any outside activity, you want to dress for the environment based on the time of year. Here are the top clothing tips for skydiving during the different seasons.
Spring is the season of layers which means the weather can be unpredictable. Recommend wearing clothing that you can customize as temperature changes.
Summer is peak skydiving season making altitude tempurates feel like natural AC. For summer skydiving, recommend wearing cool, airy clothing to help you regulate your body temperature in the summer swelter.
The autumn crisp air means clearer views, but also cooler temps. It’s important to dress comfortably for the ground temps and you should be good on your jump as well!
The air is even colder at altitude, so you want something that will keep you warm but isn’t too bulky. Think base layers, fleece, and gloves!
It’s tempting to look your best for a once-in-a-lifetime experience, especially if you spring for a skydiving video, but it’s important to limit the amount of accessorizing you do on the day of your jump.
Anything loose, dangles, has hooks or spikes or can come unhooked will pose a real problem in the 120 mph winds of freefall. Earrings, necklaces, and other jewelry become a whip at that speed and trust us when we say you don’t want a string of metal (or worse, a heavy chunk of an earring) slapping against your skin under those conditions.
There’s also the likelihood that they could be lost at some point during the jump, and we can almost guarantee you’ll never see them again once they fall off of you thousands of feet above the ground.
One accessory that is allowed (and encouraged) is prescription glasses. We want you to be able to see the incredible views, so we have specialized goggles to accommodate your spectacles.
Don’t fret! You can still look good for your social media even without accessories. Here are some tips on how to look good while you fly high in the Georgia sky!
Bottom line: everyone will be so impressed with the fact that you jumped at all that they won’t be worried about your fashion choices!
Now that we’ve gone over what to wear for tandem skydiving, let’s talk about some things you absolutely should not wear on your jump as a matter of safety, comfort, and range of movement.
What is the best thing to wear when skydiving? A smile, of course! Make a tandem skydive with us and live your best life! Blue skies.
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